Post 18

Our Latest.

Posted on   by US Future

Our Latest. Here are our latest articles and posts. We hope you find them informative. We hope you enjoy these articles and find them informative. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.Posted in Galactic NewsSolar System NewsTechnology NewsUncategorizedUS Future NewsUS NewsWorld News

What Happens.

Posted on   by US Future

What Happens. When you isolate a population, you reduce the spread, but you do not stop it. When you finally let the population out, the spread continues at its normal pace. The Common Flu infects 1 Billion worldwide and kills 3-4 million worldwide every season, which means almost 5.5 million cases per day …

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Stop Playing With The Numbers.

Posted on   by US Future

Stop Playing With The Numbers. Fire the Healthcare professionals due to incompetence. We heard testimony saying cases could rise to 100,000 a day. Well what they have not told you, is that during a normal Common Flu season, which is usually fall and winter. We usually see about 39 – 56 million cases per season …

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Let It Spread.

Posted on   by US Future

Let It Spread. We are fighting a flu, that is no longer the threat they claimed. The Common Flu can not be stopped, and infects 1 billion people worldwide, and 33 million in the United States every year. The Common Flu kills 3-4 million worldwide, and 20-120,000 in the United States every year. The estimates …

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Update 6-26-20.

Posted on   by US Future

Update 6-26-20. Here is an update on the COVID-19 CoronaVirus. Even with entering summer in the northern hemisphere we are seeing an increase in cases, but only in Brazil and South Africa are we seeing an increase in the southern Hemisphere. We also have less than 10 million cases in the world and less than …

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Flynn Case Updates And Evidence.

Posted on   by US Future

Flynn Case Updates And Evidence. The Main Stream Media fails to report many developments in the Flynn Case and that this information has probably been forwarded to Durham Investigation, if not provided by the Durham Investigation. Here are additional documents and evidence for all to see the …

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United States of America.

Posted on   by US Future

United States of America. The USA has seen many attacks lately, and the free world is also under attack. The enemies are many and the traditional methods of war are no longer favored. Terrorists use infiltration, and set up cells inside the nation, they poison the minds of the young with radical thinking and terrorist …

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Funny, Weird.

Posted on   by US Future

Funny, Weird. Do you see what is happening in the world? Why are we seeing false narratives pushed as truth? Why are we seeing false teachings pushed as truth? Why are we seeing false science pushed as truth? Why are we seeing false data pushed as truth? Do you know that all these religions have …

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US Supreme Court Gave US President Law Making Power.

Posted on   by US Future

US Supreme Court Gave US President Law Making Power. The ruling of the US Supreme Court on DACA should not be celebrated as a victory. The separation of powers has now been destroyed and US Congress should worry. The US President has now been given …

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Data Is Important.

Posted on   by US FuturePosted in Galactic NewsSolar System NewsTechnology NewsUncategorizedUS Future NewsUS NewsWorld News1 Comment