Ignored Knowledge. The most important knowledge, is the shifting of earth’s magnetic field. The first thing to know about this event, is that Humanity did not know or discover this knowledge. The knowledge came from Extraterrestrials, through UFO abductees. This is not a joke. In the last 50 years, Extraterrestrials have given Humanity knowledge, three times that we know of.
The first knowledge was about Human Activity causing damage to the Earth’s atmosphere. It was described as a hole in the atmosphere, that threatened all life on Earth, if Humanity kept putting pollution-chemicals into the atmosphere. The ‘scientists’ said that Extraterrestrials do not exist, and the abductees were sharing an hallucination. They said ‘ if the atmosphere has a hole, then the oxygen would escape, and we would not be able to breathe’. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the atmosphere had a layer of ozone that provides protection for life on Earth, and that the fluorocarbons released by Humanity were making huge holes in the layer of ozone. The use of fluorocarbons was limited and banned so the ozone could regenerate and continue to protect life on Earth. Today we see the story rewritten, to credit the ‘scientists’ and not mention Extraterrestrials or UFO abductees.
The second knowledge was about the Sun. The Sun was believed to be a huge ball of hydrogen gas that ignited under its own weight by the force known as gravity. The knowledge given, was that the Sun also has a magnetic field. The ‘scientists’ did not know this, and after the information was given, observations were then made that led to the knowledge of the 11 year solar cycle. It was later discovered that the Sun flips its magnetic field every solar cycle. The third knowledge led to this discovery.
The third knowledge was about the Earth’s magnetic field. The knowledge given, was that the Earth’s magnetic field was going to flip soon. The ‘scientists’, as usual, said it was not possible, but changed their opinion, after they analyzed magnetic lava flows. The Earth’s magnetic field does flip, and probably more frequently than they believe. The Earth’s surface also shifts when the field shifts. Atlantis was located at Earth’s equator, and is now located at the south pole, and called Antarctica. The increase in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, severe weather events, and natural disasters, were all present before, Atlantis sunk, shifted. The so-called man-made climate change, is actually the signs that the magnetic poles are about to shift. The Great Flood is about to happen again, and the predictions-prophecies-revelations are all coming to pass. Science is not being used, and many shall die because the world leaders and religious leaders, are failing to inform the people-flocks-congregations.
Humanity appears to be just biological robots, that do not possess intelligence or sentience. The truth shall soon be overwhelming, but it is already too late to save everyone. The EVIL think that they are intelligent, but they are about to realize how ignorant they really are. The actions and deeds of every person on Earth have been recorded, since God-Allah-Yahweh first placed Humanity on Earth. Here are our articles trying to educate and inform you.
I hope that this helps some of you make it to the Kingdom of Heaven. I hope that the Children of Humanity will turn from EVIL, and pursue Righteous deeds.
We bring you hope, knowledge, and wisdom, and pray that God-Allah-Yahweh finds you worthy.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.